FLED Young Ambassadors Program


... The Emerging transformational Leaders


FLED Young Ambassadors – FYA – is a value-based, age-segmented program designed to build the capacity of Africa’s young people to lead responsible personal lives and to become active public citizens. The Program engages young people, who enrol in it, over a period of time, long enough to shape their perspectives, the way they think, talk and act. The Program helps them develop positive attitudes, acquire specific skills and competencies, in order to demonstrate behaviors that affirm them as emerging transformational leaders.

FYA Program is created and run by Foundation for Leadership & Education Development in collaboration with FLED International Leadership Institute

Objectives of FYA

To help members to discover their unique purpose in life.

To support them to maximize their potentials.

To groom them to contribute to the positive development of their communities.

To promote inter-generational dialogue between the young and the older generation.

To instill values of Pan-Africanism in Members.

Benefits & Activities of FLED Young Ambassadors Program


Receive mentorship support

Attend leadership training programs

Participate in Youth Exchange Programs within Africa.

Exposed to Scholarship Opportunities

Participate in other programs that help them offer the best of service to their nations and Africa. 

Program Content

FLED Young Ambassadors Program derives from a carefully created age-specific curriculum that produces specific outcomes in the lives of Program Participants/Members.  FYA Program focuses on seven key competencies.

Personal competency – actions that reflect understanding of one’s own opinions and thoughts and those of others in order to handle situations appropriately and non-violently (independent living skills, decision making & problem solving, self-esteem & self-confidence, speaking up for oneself, etc.).

Cognitive competency – intellectual development and the integration of information into operational functions (analytical thinking, Organizational skills, developing good study habits, ability to evaluation information, etc.)

Creative competency – exploration and development of self-expression (artistic expression, express individuality, ability to utilize free time to engage in creative activities)

Mental health competency -ability to identify, understand and deal with one’s emotions and feelings (sense of well-being, developing coping skills, etc.).

Social competency – the manner in which one consistently responds to other individuals, expects other individuals to respond to oneself and interactions with members of groups sharing one’s “social address” as well as with members of groups different than one’s own (trust, respect, caring, involvement, communication skills, conflict resolution skills).

Civic competency – a core of respect and values for the civil and human rights of oneself and others and the recognition that one can further these rights for oneself and one’s community by participating in the governmental process and in community service and organization; African in the eye of the World, African in the eye of Africans (changing the narratives, taking responsibility, participating in volunteer community service, advocacy engagement, etc).

 Entrepreneurial competency – vocational awareness, how small ideas develop into big businesses, how wealth creation follows from solving problems, the vastness of Africa as market for ideas and products.

Program Activities

We have created diversity of activities as vehicle to deliver the Program. Some of the activities are run online, some onsite; some lasts for 1 hour, others last up to two weeks, depending on the season.

Membership of FLED Young Ambassador is open to young people in ages listed below.

Membership Levels:
Level 1: Ages 10 – 13 years (Program lifespan – 4yrs)

Level 2: Ages 14- 17 years (Program lifespan – 4yrs)

Membership Registration:
Level 1: $25 (N10,000)
Level 2: $35 (N20,000)

Please note: 

The registration fee is one-off. There is no annual membership renewal fees.

Registration Options

  1. Parents can register their children directly into the Program
  2. Schools can allow their students to register in the Program as a Group. This makes it easier for us to serve the students better together while still in the school.

Program Operation Guide

  1. Registration to join the Program at any level is one-off. That is, registration fee is paid once. There is no annual membership fee paid thereafter. Once someone attains the maximum age for the Program level they enrolled, they will be graduated. If they desire to join the next level of the program, they have to pay registration fee for that level. If they decide not to continue with the Program, they can simply graduate out.
  2. Registration in the Program does not include fees that could be charged for different activities that will be held during the program lifespan.
  3. Any young person anywhere in Africa can enrol in the FYA Program. Programs will be delivered onsite and online as the case might be to ensure participants benefit maximally from the Program within their limitations.

Program Competency Focus

The FYA Program is designed to produce holistic outcomes in the lives of participants. However, each level of the program focuses on specific competencies. This is as illustrated below.

Level 1: Personal, Cognitive & Creative Competencies

Level 2: Cognitive, Mental, Social & Civic Competencies

To Register in the Program, please make Payment into this account:
Foundation for Leadership & Education Development

Naira Account: 2242038028
$ Account:         2243061852
Ecobank Ltd

Then Click below to fill the Application Form

Click here

For inquiries, contact

FYA Program Coordinator

FLED Group

Karu Site, Abuja – Nigeria

Tel/Whatsapp: +234-708 -015-7176

Email: info@gledgroup.org.ng

Foundation for Leadership & Education Development – FLED is a knowledge-based NGO established  in April1995 to build the capacity of youths to lead independent lives and participate responsibly in public life. 

FLED International Leadership Institute is a professional leadership think tank and research institution  established in 1999 to train and mentors a new breed of transformational leaders in Africa. 

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