

Evidence is overwhelming that Sub-Saharan Africa has suffered prolonged under-development due to low-quality public leadership.  We believe that the quest for prosperity, peace, security, and sustainable development in Africa, rests on readiness to train, nurture, and deploy quality leaders to take charge of public resources for public interest.

The proposed Fled International University is borne out of the need to provide holistic leadership education to produce leaders and technocrats who can harness Africa’s human and material diversity for sustainable development.

The University is being established, based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26, which states that:

“Everyone has the right to education. … Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all based on merit.”

“Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

“It shall promote understanding, tolerance, and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace”.

As promoters of this university,  we believe that higher Education, particularly, leadership education, is a “Human Right.” Therefore, the proposed University will implement a paradigm shift in educational models that allows the integration of conventional academic curriculum into an evolving leadership development curriculum.

This will help our students to focus on self-empowerment through our decentralization learning process and personalized open curriculum designs.


Fled International University was established to offer a unique, dynamic, holistic, high-quality leadership education to professionals in the public and private sectors who must also study to obtain advanced certification in public leadership.


Fled International University is a private, post-graduate, Open University established in 2021 by the Foundation for Leadership & Education Development, a faith-based NGO founded in 1995.

The proposed University will leverage the power of digital technology to deliver high-quality post graduate programs online and onsite.

Operational Context

Fled International University will adopt a professional approach to human capacity development programming to advance transformational leadership; institutional development; and intellectual scholarship through comparative study and research on social, political, and economic development issues.

Fled International University will seek to provide high-quality, accessible, affordable, and innovative, educational programs that meet the diverse needs of adult learners pursuing advancement in their public lives, professions, and communities.

The Proposed Fled University aims to ensure our students and faculty can enjoy onsite and online learning while interacting from anywhere they can take their smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

Programs Certification

Fled International University has not yet received accreditation from the National Universities Commission in Nigeria, though the process is ongoing. Our current priority is on delivering specialized competency-based, industry-useful knowledge and certification to our students, and not on the award of conventional academic degrees and certificates.


Internationalization is at the core of our existence; hence we expect students enrolment from all over Africa to study with us.

Before receiving accreditation from Government authority, the Fled Institute will continue to offer specialized Postgraduate Certificate Programs, not obtainable at conventional universities. Students who enrol in our programs do so primarily because they desire to acquire relevant industry-useful competencies and certifications that enable them to advance their professional practice.

The University Programs are designed to attract students from across Africa and beyond.  The Institute and the proposed University will create an entrepreneurial environment for nurturing public leaders and fostering industry linkages.

Programs Delivery

The University will deliver her programs through blended platforms of online and onsite. Our programs are targeted at busy professionals and practitioners who are unable to take several months off work to improve their skills. Program duration varies from 3 months to 18 months.

Admission Requirements

The proposed Fled International University is a postgraduate Open University. Prospective students who seek admission into any program at the University must have completed an approved undergraduate program in a University, Polytechnics, College of Education, or any other institution of higher learning from anywhere. In addition to this basic requirement, other specific admission requirements might be applicable for different programs. 

FiU is where…

We democratize knowledge so that you can understand the nature of society, how society works, and how society inter-connects.

We groom you to become a public intellectual who creates knowledge for social progress.

We support you in becoming a Public Citizen who works with others to revitalize society and establish norms.

We train you to become a transformational leader who works to promote inclusive development.

The University is not yet accredited by the National Universities Commission – NUC. Therefore, the university’s current priority is not on the award of conventional academic degrees and certificates, but on delivering specialized competency-based,  industry-useful knowledge and certification to our students.

Presently through Fled Institute, we offer specialized Certificate and Postgraduate Certificate Programs that are not obtainable at conventional universities.

Fled Endowment for Education

The University is open to partnerships with individuals and organizations interested in education, particularly leadership education in Africa.

To secure the initial and sustainable financial stability for the University, an Education Endowment has been set up. We invite you to partner with us by placing an endowment with us.

To make a donation of any amount, please click here

University Promoters

Fled International University is promoted by the Foundation for Leadership & Education Development,  Chapel of Grace Transformation Ministry, and Fled International Leadership Institute.

For more information, please contact:

The Project Coordinator,

Proposed Fled International University

Plot MF57 Cadasrtal Zone,  Karu Site, Abuja.

Tel/Whatsapp: +234-708 015 7176.
