Fled Institute                                

Fled International Leadership Institute is a graduate leadership School established to provide executive leadership education to produce transformational public leaders in Africa.

Fled Institute was established on August 15, 1999, and incorporated in Nigeria on January 21, 2010, as a Company Limited by Guarantee under the Companies and Allied Matters Act CAP 59, Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It is approved by Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Education and has headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria’s Federal Capital.

The Institute is the training arm of the incorporated trustees of the Foundation for Leadership & Education Development – a Charitable Foundation established in Nigeria on April 17, 1995.

Rationale for Fled Institute

Human capital development is central to overall socio-political and economic development in any nation. The driver of development itself is leadership. Visionary, human-interest leadership ensures effective governance. Good governance promotes sustainable development in all societies. Evidence is overwhelming that Sub-Saharan Africa has suffered prolonged under-development due to low-quality leadership. 

We believe the quest for prosperity, peace, security, and sustainable development in Africa rests on her readiness to train, nurture, and deploy quality leaders to take charge of public resources for public interest. These leaders and technocrats must be far-sighted, values-driven, creative, ethical and tolerant of human diversities, and able to harness diversity for sustainable human development.  

Fled Institute promotes the principles that embody universal shared human experience. We emphasize ways to recognize individual biases and shift the mindset from judgment to transformational leadership that demonstrates compassion, curiosity, openness, and connection.

Our Mandate

To create and offer human capacity development programs that advance transformational leadership; institutional development; and intellectual scholarship.

Our Vision

A thriving Africa governed and administered by transformational public leaders.

Our Mission

To birth the emergence of transformational public leaders in Africa through education, training, induction, mentorship, and research.

Mission components:

  1. To use leadership education to create a pool of transformational public leaders that will stimulate political and socio-economic transformation of Africa.
  2. To use mentoring and leadership  Induction to promote responsible followership and empower citizens to participate in development processes.  
  3. To use research and community engagement to build build peace, reduce conflict, and enhance good governance in Nigeria and Africa.

 What we do

We nurture leaders to think and to work for a better global society.

Our work is spread into seven clusters 

Academic and non-academic Executive Education Programs.

Induction for professionals of qualified individuals into Public Leadership through the Africa Centre for Public Leadership. 

Leadership Mentoring Services

Research through our Research Centres.

Advocacy and Public Issues Engagement.  

Consultancy Services to Corporate Organizations.

Community Outreach and Support 

How we do our work

We carry out our work through continuing professional leadership education, capacity building, leadership induction, mentorship opportunities, and research.

 We are ethical and values-driven. We innovate and promote individual creativity. We are flexible in our operations, yet we exist to promote intellectual scholarship, professionalism, and excellence in the field of leadership development and practice.

We work for people-benefit, which requires us to focus on creating a win-win situation in all engagements with our members, students, clients, constituents, and partners. In our work, we question everything. We reject the status quo, making us always think about how to do things better than ever.

 Our Fundamental Values

As a knowledge-based institution, our work is inspired by  Christian principles and values that promote human dignity and development. These include democracy, leadership, entrepreneurship, participation, social justice, prosperity, gender equity, and human rights

Our Core Values

In pursuit of our mission, we are guided by the following core values about people, work, and partnerships.


We recognize that individuals have intrinsic value and must be treated with dignity and respect.


We work because we care and are courageous, requiring us to be creative and different, without fear of failure, in pursuit of the highest possible impact of our work on our constituents.


We respect diversities of views and seek partnerships with individuals and institutions of similar missions to promote the principles of transformational leadership and human development, around the world.

Operational Context

Fled Institute seeks to provide high-quality, accessible, affordable, and innovative, educational leadership programs that meet the diverse needs of individuals pursuing advancement in their public lives, professions, and communities.

Leadership Certification

We recognize that success public life depends, not only on the possession of intellectual and technical skills, but also soft skills, which we classify as leadership skills. These skills certify that a person has the professional qualifications or competencies required to perform a specific job.

Because of the growing demand for soft skills in today’s workplaces as basis for promotion to higher leadership cadre, it has become imperative that professionals enrol in professional skills competency courses to obtain requisite certifications.

Research Centres at the Institute

Apart from offering academic and non-academic leadership training programs, Fled Institute was established to research social, economic, and sustainable development issues, and promote public dialogue on development issues. Presently, we have five Centres at the Institute. Visit to learn more 

Leadership Induction

The Institute conducts induction into public leadership for professionals of diverse disciplines. The induction brings them into a community of intellectuals, which has become a thriving ecosystem, where good ideas are nurtured and honed. 

To apply for Leadership Induction Click here 

Our Structure & Programs

The Institute maintains a robust organizational structure that enables us to deliver on our mandate.

We offer programs that enhance intellectual scholarship, leadership competence, and spiritual, and emotional intelligence leading to the emergence of transformational leaders.

 Executive Leadership Programs

Fled Institute offers academic and non-academic Executive Leadership Programs. There are five levels of programs, with different courses in each program.

The Programs include

Professional Proficiency Program

Basic Leadership Certificate Program

Advanced Leadership Certificate Program

Professional Leadership Certificate Program

Postgraduate Leadership Certificate Program

Each course is specifically designed to enhance the capacity of participants to function effectively in their field of professional practice. 

Click here to review current topics.

Academic Programs

Our Academic Programs last between 3-9 months. 

CLICK HERE TO review programs and apply

If you are a woman between the ages of 25-45 and desire to build your leadership competence, we have a special program for you, called Leadership Discovery for Women.


Fled Institute has so  such more for you.

For more information, contact:

Fled International Leadership Institute

Plot MF 57 Cadastral Zone

KMC Street, Karu Site

Abuja – Nigeria

Tel/Whatsapp: +234 (0) 708 015 7176

Email: info@flededu.org

