...Nurturing transformational public leaders 



Public space leaders are the drivers of public prosperity and development. Because of the role they play, there is a need to be brought into an ecosystem, where they can benefit from peer learning and peer support.

Scope of Public Leadership

Public Leadership encompasses different spheres including political leadership – elected and appointed in democratic societies (Executive, Legislature, Judiciary); leaders in the Health, Sports, Academics, Corporate world of Banking, Insurance, etc; Police & Security Services; Community and Civic leaders in formal and informal roles.

The Africa Centre for Public Leadership is an arm of Fled International Leadership Institute established in 2022. It is headed by Dr. Anuli Regina Ogbuagu, Fellow in Public Leadership (fpl) at Fled Institute.

Our mission is to inspire transformative approach to public leadership that delivers greater impact for public interest.

Amb. Alfred Nnam of the Uganda High Commission to Nigeria and Dr. (Mrs.) Ngozi Chukwu, Honourary Fellow in Public Leadership (hfpl), during her induction into Public Leadership.

Mandate of The Centre 

  • To recommend specialized Public Leadership training for senior public leaders at Fled Institute.
  • To oversee the processes of admitting qualified individuals for Induction into Public Leadership by the Centre.
  • To offer advice and support to government and private institutions on how to mainstream Leadership training in their systems.
  • To ensure that inducted leaders by the Centre undertake Mandatory Continuing Professional Leadership Development (MCPD) Programs offered at Fled Institute.
  • To initiate Peer Review processes for public leaders in different private and public institutions in Nigeria.
  • To organize public discourse and seminars to raise awareness about effective, values-driven Public Leadership.
  • To work out modalities that will result in Fled Institute collaborating with interested Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria to introduce non-academic leadership Courses as an integral part of their educational development programming.

Other roles include

  1. To evaluate applications and approve those qualified for induction.
  2. To conduct pre-induction training for confirmed applicants.
  3. To arrange, organize, and complete all requisite processes leading to the final induction of qualified candidates.
  4. To maintain a register of inducted leaders who eventually become Members of the Fled Alumni Association– 
  5. To supervise operations of Fled Alumni Association – FAA
  6. To regularly publish the list of Inducted members who are qualified for leadership category upgrade, from time to time.
  7. To carry out any other functions that may be assigned to the Centre by Fled Institute.
Dr. Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, hfpl, Vice-Presidential Candidate of Labour Party in the 2023 Presidential Elections, being inducted as an Honourary Fellow in Public Leadership in Abuja November 2022

Public Leadership Induction

To be inducted into Public Leadership is a way to translate an individual from being a Private Citizen into a Public Citizen. It means submitting one’s private and public life to public scrutiny. It means committing to serving the public for the public interest at all times.

Who is qualified to apply for Induction?

  • If you are at mid-level management and above in your company or organization
  • If you are in the academia or a private citizen seeking to professionalize your leadership practice.
  • If you are on grade level 10 and above in the public service
  • If you are a fully employed professional and desire to continue to build your leadership competence in a community of learning leaders.
  • If you lead an organization- a business, an NGO, a school, or any of such.

Public Leadership is an elite thing. It’s not for everyone.

Being inducted into public leadership is a very significant step you can take to amplify your professional status and prepare yourself for future public leadership positions. Being inducted strengthens your stakes in the public domain and brings you into an ecosystem of transformational leaders in Africa. 

CLICK HERE for more information and apply right now 

It’s time you step out of obscurity and join the elite public decision-makers and influencers.

Fled International Leadership Institute is a graduate leadership school and research Institution established in 1999 and approved by Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Education to offer Professional Leadership Education and Certification. 

Dr. Anuli Regina Ogbuagu, fpl, Director, ACPL

For more information, contact

Dr. Anuli Regina Ogbuagu, fpl

The Director

Africa Centre for Public Leadership

Fled International Leadership Institute

Plot MF 57 Cadastral Zone

KMC Street, Karu Site, Abuja

Tel: +234 -8068153116

Whatsapp: +234-708 015 7176

Email: acpl@flededu.org


L-R: Mr. Obadiah Tohomdet, hfpl; Mr. Femi Adesina, hfpl, former SSA to President Buhari on Media & Publicity, Dr. Joseph C. Ibekwe,  President, Fled Institute, and Amb. Chinenye Amene, afpl, Board Member, Fled Institute, when Mr. Adesina was presented with Honourary Fellow in Public Leadership, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, in 2019.
Pst. Dr. John Dara, hfpl, two-term Presidential Contestant, displays his Honourary Fellow in Public Leadership Plaque. 
Dr. Sam Amadi, hfpl, Director, Abuja School of Policy & Social Thoughts, displays his Honourary Fellow in Public Leadership.