Fled Endowment for Education

The Foundation for Leadership & Education Development (Fled Foundation) was established on April 17 1995.

It marks its 30th anniversary in 2025. Since its inception, the Foundation has devoted itself to promoting leadership development through a system-wide educational approach. This has given birth to Fled International Leadership Institute, and the proposed Fled International University. 

To have regular financial supplies to continue our work to mainstream leadership education across the board, we have launched Fled Endowment For Education.


To provide financial stability for different educational leadership programs of Fled Foundation, Fled Leadership Institute, and the proposed Fled International University. 

Endowment Administration

The Endowment fund will be invested and the income is used to support programs and activities. The principal is untouched unless as may be directed by the governing board of Fled for major intervention projects or programs.


To support Online delivery of our leadership programs at affordable costs

To collaborate with tertiary Institutions to mainstream leadership development as a non-academic program

To support the full take-off of Fled International University.

To provide funds to support youth development programs of Fled across the country and beyond.

To offer partial or full scholarships to qualified individuals who apply to attend public leadership Courses at Fled Institute, but can’t afford the fees.

To provide funds to carry out special social projects that strengthen and extend Fled operations beyond borders. 

Our Target 

To raise N5 billion between April 2024 and April 2030.

Individuals and corporate organizations that desire to support our work are invited to Place an Endowment.

For a one-off gift of N5,000/$20 or more,

Click here to contribute

Or make a direct transfer to this account:

Foundation for Leadership & Education Development

Naira: 2242038028.

USD$: 2243061852.

Ecobank Ltd.

Description: Endowment

 For Endowment Pledge

(Redeemable at once or over 12 months).


Gold: N300k – N500k/$300 – $500

Benefit: Your name will be listed in the Institute’s /University’s annals.

Diamond: N800k -N1.2m/$800 – $1,200

Benefit: You become an Honourary Visitor to Fled Institute/Fled University and enjoy the benefits of a Visitor. 

Platinum: N1.5m – N2m/$1,000 -$2,000

Benefit:  A Program at the University could be named after you. You could recommend someone for admission into the  Institute or the University with a rebate. 

Corporate Endowment 

Gold: N3m-N5m/$3,000 – $5,000 

Benefit: The name of your company/organization will be listed in the Institute/University annals.

Diamond: N6m – N8m/$6,000 – $8,000 

Benefit: Qualified staff of your organization could be admitted to run their programs at rebates. A Program in the University could be named after your organization.

Platinum: N9m – N10m/$9,000 -$10,000

Benefit:  Your organization’s name will be engraved in one of the Institute’s or University’s Structures. Qualified staff of your organization will be admitted to run their programs at rebates.

CLICK to fill Endowment FORM

Make a direct transfer to this account:

Foundation for Leadership & Education Development

Naira: 2242038028.

USD$: 2243061852.

Ecobank Ltd.

Description: Endowment

Or via our Online Platform 

For more information about the University timeline, click here

Thank you so much.

Rev. Dr. Joseph C. Ibekwe, FSGS


For inquiries, please contact

Fled International Leadership Institute

Plot MF 57 Cadastral Zone

KMC Street, Karu Site

Abuja – Nigeria

Email: info@flededu.org

Tel/WhatsApp: +234-708 015 7176

 Fled Ecosystem comprise the following institutions

Foundation for Leadership & Education Development – FLED  – an NGO established in 1995 to promote value-based, skills-focused, educational, and entrepreneurial development programs for youths to enable them to participate in development processes.

Fled International Leadership Institute is a charitable educational institution established in 1999 to train and nurture transformational public leaders in Africa. It carries out its mission through leadership Induction, leadership certification courses, mentoring, and research.

The Proposed Fled International University is a postgraduate open university with a focus on leadership education.  


Welcome you to our ecosystem