2024/2025 School Year!


Companies and Government Institutions are in short supply of staff with leadership certification. Political Parties, Community Development Unions, Professional Associations, and religious institutions are in dire need of trained leaders. Professionals in all fields require leadership certification in addition to their professional certifications.

Fled Institute offers executive leadership programs for different cadre of professionals and leaders.

Application Process

Review the Program listings.No student is permitted to register for more than two course per time, in order to cope with workload. Pay application fee. Complete Application Form.  Once your application is received, it is reviewed.

Delivery Mode

Courses are delivered online and materials are delivered in various formats including zoom meeting, PDF files, Voice recordings, etc. Onsite classes also hold for students in different cities in Nigeria.

Internship assignments and Educational Tours are only applicable to those in the School of Postgraduate Studies.


Who should apply? All those that seek to obtain a Professional leadership certification to advance their career.

Requirements: Candidates must possess a minimum of National Diploma or its international equivalent.

Leadership Proficiency Program

Duration: 1 week.  

Application fee: N2,000/USD 2

Tuition Fee: N30, 000/USD 30 (Total USD 32)

Courses Available

  1. The Art of Public Speaking & Mastering of Ceremony
  2. Dynamics of Coaching & Mentoring
  3. Catalytic Thinking for Leadership Excellence
  4. Assertive Communication Strategies for Effective Leadership
  5. Healthy Self-esteem for Enhanced Leadership Effectiveness
  6. Perception Management for Effective Leadership
  7. Effective Council Memo, Speech & Report Writing
  8. How to Start and Run an NGO, Foundation or Social Enterprise Organizations
  9. Dynamics of Leading in the Global Space

Certificate on Course Completion

At the completion of your course, you will be issued Basic Leadership Proficiency Certificate in…. (the Course you took). Example: Professional Proficiency Certificate in Dynamics of Coaching & Mentoring, by Fled International Leadership Institute.

Executive Leadership Program

Duration:  3 weeks.  

Application fee: N3,000/USD 3

Tuition Fee: N50, 000/USD 50 (Total USD 53)

Courses Available

  1. Effective Communications for Conflict Mediation
  2. Parliamentary Leadership Dynamics
  3. Classroom Management for Academic Enhancement 
  4. Strategic Planning for Organizational Development
  5. Dynamics of School Governance and Administration
  6. Hospitality Industry Growth and Sustainability
  7. People Management & Organizational Development

Certificate on Completion

At the completion of your course, you will be issued Executive Leadership Certificate in…. (the Course you took). Example: Executive Leadership Certificate in Parliamentary Leadership Dynamics, by Fled International Leadership Institute.

Advanced Executive Leadership Program 

Duration: 3 Months.

Application fee: N5,000/USD 5

Tuition Fee: N85, 000/USD 85 (Total USD 90) 

    Courses Available         

  1. Leadership Discovery for Women in Politics
  2. Community Governance & Integrated Development  
  3. Ministerial Leadership & Social Impact
  4. Kingdom Politics & Governance        
  5. Business & Entrepreneurial Leadership 
  6. NGO Leadership & Management 
  7. Conflict Transformation & Peace Building

The Course will be assessed based on the following  three key components:

  1. Theoretical Coursework – Candidates must attend online classes.
  2. Concepts Study/Seminar Presentation – Candidates will be required to prepare a paper for presentation, based on the study of a few topical concepts that will be distributed in the course.
  3. End-of-Course Evaluation Test – There will be a short evaluation test at the end of the course

Certificate on Completion

At the completion of your course, you will be issued Advanced Executive Leadership Certificate in….(the Course you took). Example: Advanced Executive Leadership Certificate in Community Governance & Integrated Development, by Fled International Leadership Institute.


Who Should Apply? Professionals including Politicians, Political Office holders and Appointees, Lawyers, Journalists, Accountants, Engineers, Medical Doctors, Nurses, Bankers, Architects, Academics, Civil Servants, Security Personnel, Entrepreneurs.

Executive Professional Leadership Program

Duration: 6 months.

Application fee: N7, 500/USD 10

Tuition Fee: N125, 000/USD 125 (Total: USD 135)

Courses Available

  1. Local Government Leadership & Governance
  2. Global Citizenship & Leadership (for Leaders of Youth Organizations)
  3. Governance and Sustainable Development
  4. Leadership & Public Governance
  5. Public Policy Design & Implementation
  6. Political Communications & Marketing
  7. Organizational Change & Development

The Course will be assessed based on the following four key components:

  1. Theoretical Coursework – Candidates must attend online classes.
  2. Concepts Study/Seminar Presentation – Candidates will be required to prepare a paper for presentation, based on the study of a few topical concepts that will be distributed in the course.
  3. End-of-Course Evaluation Test – There will be a short evaluation test at the end of the course
  4. Internship Assignment/Educational Tour

Certificate on Completion

At the completion of your course, you will be issued Executive Professional Leadership Certificate in….(the Course you took). Example: Professional Executive Leadership Certificate in Local Government Leadership & Governance, by Fled International Leadership Institute.

Postgraduate Leadership Program

Duration: 9 months.

Application fee: N10, 000/USD 15

Tuition Fee: N185, 000/USD 185 (Total USD 200)

Courses Available

  1. Global Transformational Leadership  
  2. Gender and Transformative Leadership
  3. Statecraft, Governance & Strategic Leadership
  4. Educational Leadership & Governance
  5. Health Systems Leadership & Governance

Certificate on Completion

At the completion of your course, you will be issued Postgraduate Leadership Certificate in…. (the Course you took). Example: Postgraduate Leadership Certificate in Gender and Transformative Leadership, by Fled International Leadership Institute.

Executive Masters & Doctorate Programs  

The Executive Masters and Executive Doctorate in Transformational Public Leadership are special programs that focuses on practical applications in a particular field.

Executive Masters in Public Leadership – EMTPL

Duration: 12 months.

Application: N15, 000/$20

Tuition: N400k/$500 (Total USD 520)

Executive Doctorate in Public Leadership – EDTPL

Duration: 18 months

Application: N20, 000/$30

Tuition: N700k/$800 (Total USD 830)

Admission Criteria

In addition to higher educational qualifications (Masters and or PhD in any discipline) admission into Executive Masters & Doctorate is processed through Validation of Prior Learning and Experience – VPLE.

The applicant is expected to submit a portfolio of evidence for evaluation, which are assessed based on the individual’s prior and current work experience, skills, competencies, publication, and formal education.

The final award of EMTPL and EDTPL is based on the candidate’s social standing in their community, state, or country, gauged and validated through their attestable contributions, as well as achievements in the form of creation, invention, problem-solving, and social engineering efforts. 

Program Content   

Theoretical Course work – Candidate is required to take selected courses (minimum 3) at the Institute.   

Seminar Presentation – Candidates are required to conduct in-depth study of a key concept of public interest and prepare a paper on it for presentation and assessment.

Mentoring Engagement – Candidate is expected to engage in practical mentorship assignment of not less than 3 months as part of the program.

Social Impact Project – Candidate is expected to initiate and execute a social impact project to demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility.

Educational Leadership Study Tour – Candidate is expected to undertake a visit to a corporate or governmental Institution and develop a learning outcome of the study tour.

Apply Now 

Payment for Application 

Nigerian Students

For Nigerian students, please make sure you pay application fee for the appropriate Program Category before you fill the form. If we do not receive your application fee, we shall not process your application, and you cannot be issued admission letter.

Make payment into this account

Fled International Leadership Institute

0028443679.   GTbank

Description: Application fee

Or Pay online via Paystack Platform  Click to pay

Foreign Students

Foreign students are permitted to fill the application without paying the application fee. The Application fee and Course fees will be paid together after admission has been granted. This is to reduce international transaction costs for our foreign students.

In other words, foreign students can apply without first paying application fee.

You can pay online via Paystack Platform  CLICK TO PAY

If you have problems with online payments, contact us to send you details for direct bank transfer.

Please click here to apply

To receive brochure, send proof of application fee payment to:

WhatsApp: +234-708 015 7176

The Dean of Programs

Fled International Leadership Institute

Plot MF 57 Cadastral Zone

Karu Site, Abuja – Nigeria

Email: programs@flededu.org

Fled International Leadership Institute was established in 1999 and approved by Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Education to offer graduate leadership education. Read More

We are one of  the best in executive leadership education in Africa.