Africa Centre for Public Leadership

Fled International Leadership Institute, Abuja 

in Collaboration with

Centre for Gender Security Studies & Youth Advancement

University of Abuja, Nigeria


1st International Conference on Leadership, Gender, and Public Governance in Africa.

Call for Paper


The 20th century was defined by human rights struggles. The 21st century is being defined by the quest for equal rights for men and women in the public space. In all spheres of society, leadership appears to have a certain image: the male image. Perhaps that explains why in his book Leadership is Male (1988), David Pawson posits, “Patriarchal society is a reflection of divine fatherhood”.  However, Joan Martin (1996) in her book, “Is Leadership Male?” questioned Pawson’s assertion, saying that leadership is gender-blind.

In global development discourses in recent times, there has been a growing demand for convergence of leadership and gender. This demand is not limited to specific professions but across all professional disciplines: Health, Academics, Politics, Banking, Sports, Accounting, Law, Military, Security Agencies, and others.

This conference will examine the different theoretical and practical issues around leadership, gender, and public governance in Africa.

Theme: Transformative Public Leadership and Sustainable Development: A Gendered Perspective

Proposed Date: 17th – 19th September, 2024

Proposed Venue: University of Abuja, (Main Campus)

Abstract Submission Deadline: August 25th 2024

There will be a keynote presenter & two Lead Presenters                             

Proposed Sub-Themes

  • Gender and Leadership Challenges in the Health Sector
  • Gender and Leadership Challenges in the Academic Circles
  • Business transformation through effective Leadership
  • Gender Role in Leadership and Development
  • Leadership, Governance and Insecurity in Nigeria
  • Gender Leadership Challenges and Growth in the Banking Sector
  • The Media Industry and the Challenge of Gender Leadership
  • Communication and effective conflict resolution: the role of leaders
  • Understanding the role of a leader in Sustaining Development
  • Leadership dynamics in Nigeria: strategies and techniques
  • Gender Leadership in the Tech and ICT Sector
  • Gender Leadership Opportunities & Challenges in the Housing Real Estate Industry
  • Gender Dimensions to Crime and Criminality Rate in Africa
  • Gendered Entrepreneurial Leadership and Economic Empowerment
  • Gendered leadership in the Agriculture Sector

Proposed Conference fees:

  • Student: N10,000/$10
  • Student Presenter: N15,000/$15
  • Author: N20,000/$25
  • Non-Author: N10,000/$10
  • Other Participation: N10,000/$15
  • Co-Presenter: N5,000/$5
  • Virtual Presentation: N10,000/$15

LOC: Dr. Anuli Regina Ogbuagu

Director, ACPL – 08068153116

Dr. Shajobi-Ibikunle, Gloria

Director, Centre for Gender Security Studies & Youth Advancement

 University of Abuja – 08034225918