…A values-based leadership course for undergraduate High School Prefects 


Since 1998, FLED has trained more than 5000 undergraduate student leaders and college prefects through the Leadership Skills Enhancement Course – LESEC. We have the experience and have built a track record.

What is LESEC?

Leadership Skills Enhancement Course is a values-based  transformational leadership development Course that builds the leadership competence of undergraduate student leaders and Senior High School Prefects.  The Course deals with the theoretical and practical challenges student leaders face in school and how they can handle them.

Rationale for the Course 

LESEC is a foundational leadership course that prepares students leaders for the challenges of leadership while in school and for the larger society. It is based on the fact that many prefects and students on campus eventually get involved in political activities upon graduation. The course imparts in them fundamental principle of transformational leadership. 

The course also aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 4, which seeks to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. The course is drawn from Target 4 and 7 of SDG4, which promote relevant skills for decent work, and education for sustainable development and global citizenship.

If student leaders not trained, they may not the right mental preparation to take on leadership challenges.



To enable participants:

  • Identify what leadership is and what it is not.
  • Develop practical leadership skills including team skills and goal setting.
  • Recognize values that sustain leadership including Fairness, Trustworthiness, Respect, & Accountability.
  • Develop ability to communicate assertively, make decisions, and take responsibility.
  • Acquire basic skills in conflict resolution for Peer Mediation
  • Recognize and apply the principle of due process in relating with schools authority.
  • Reconcile academics with leadership responsibilities.


The following are outcomes:

  • Enhanced knowledge on the concept of leadership
  • Increased ability to work together as a team in setting and implementing goals.
  • Practical demonstration of leadership values as fairness, Trustworthiness, Respect,  & Accountability
  • Increased readiness to mediate among students in resolving minor conflicts among students
  • Increased awareness on how to relate with school authority through due process.
  • Increased ability to create vison and take responsibilities for leadership 
  • Reduced cult activities and other social vices on campus. 
  • Clarify the principles and tenets of transformational leadership


The Course can be delivered online or onsite depending on what the school and the students want.

LESEC is offered in two levels
Level 1:  for Secondary School Students
Level 2:  for undergraduate students

Fee: This ranges between N10k – N25k ($20 -$50)/Student, depending on whether it is online or onsite

Fee is inclusive of work book & Certificates of participation, only.  



Understanding Leadership

  • What leadership is
  • What leadership is not
  • Key values that sustain leadership
  • A Students as a leader

The BRA Leadership Principle

  • What is BRA
  • Elements of Responsibility
  • Indicators of Accountability

Responsibility Identification & Mapping

  • Responsibility Mapping
  • Responsibility Description

Good Grooming & Self-esteem

  • A Leader’s personality circle
  • Indicators of Good grooming for leadership
  • What is Self-esteem?
  • Elements of Self-esteem

Assertive Communication Skills

  • What is Assertiveness?
  • Individual’s rights versus assertiveness
  • Behaviours that promote assertiveness
  • How to test personal assertiveness


Decision Making Process

  • Why should leaders make decisions?
  • How leaders make decisions
  • Key lessons about decision making

Vision Development & Goal setting

  • What is vision?
  • How leaders develop vision statements
  • How leaders set goals
  • Student Leaders as goal setters
  • Key lessons about goal setting

Peer Mediation

  • What is conflict?
  • The potential benefits of conflict
  • Causes of conflict
  • Skills for conflict resolution in a school setting
  • Students Leaders as Peer Mediators

Teamwork and Problem Solving

  • Characteristics of a team
  • Problem Solving Exercises
  • Guidelines for Group Exercises
  • Dealing with Practical Leadership Issues (Group Activity)
  • How to Plan a Weekend Social Programme for students
  • How Students can Design and Implement sustainable Projects in their school.
  • How Prefects can deal with Truancy among Students
  • How to improve relationships between the students & School Authority 

The Principle of ‘Due Process’

  • Elements of Due Process
  • Due Process Checklist

Introduction to Transformational Leadership


For inquiries

Foundation for Leadership & Education Development

Plot MF 57 Cadastral Zone

Karu Site, Abuja 

Tel/hatsapp: +234-708 015 7176

Email: programs@flededu.org

Click here for more about FLED