2023/2024 Cohort 

Registration is open


FLED Campus Leaders Programs – FCLP – is a specialized program designed to build the leadership capacity of undergraduate students to prepare them to become active public citizens. The Program engages participants who enrol in it, over a period of time, long enough to shape their perspectives, the way they think, talk and act.

The Program helps them develop positive attitudes, acquire specific skills and competencies, in order to demonstrate behaviors that affirm them as emerging transformational leaders.

FCL Program is created by Foundation for Leadership & Education Development (FLED) in collaboration with FLED International Leadership Institute.

Objectives of FCLP

  • To support participants to build their leadership capacities and maximize their potentials.
  • To deliberately groom participants on how to become active public citizens and contribute to the development of their communities.
  • To promote inter-generational dialogue between the young and the older generation through mentorhip support.
  • To instill values of Pan-Africanism in the participants.

Benefits & Activities of FLED Campus Leaders Program.


  • Receive mentorship support
  • Attend Leadership Skills Enhancement Course
  • Exposed to Scholarship Opportunities
  • Participate in other programs that help you connect and network with important adults in public life. 

Program Duration

The program lasts for 6 months. Successful applicants will participate in the program onsite within their campuses and online, as the case might be. During the period, the student is expected to participate is series of leadership development programs and activities. 

Program Content

Mentoring Opportunities

Leadership Skills Training

Networking with important public leaders

Innovative ideas for success

FCL Program focuses on three key competencies

Personal competency – actions that reflect understanding of one’s own opinions and thoughts and those of others in order to handle situations appropriately and non-violently (independent living skills, decision making & problem solving, self-esteem & self-confidence, speaking up for oneself, etc.).

Leadership/Social competency – the manner in which one consistently responds to other individuals, expects other individuals to respond to oneself and interactions with members of groups sharing one’s “social address” as well as with members of groups different than one’s own (trust, respect, caring, involvement, communication skills, conflict resolution skills).

Civic competency – a core of respect and values for the civil and human rights of oneself and others and the recognition that one can further these rights for oneself and one’s community by participating in the governmental process and in community service and organization; African in the eye of the World, African in the eye of Africans (changing the narratives, taking responsibility, participating in volunteer community service, advocacy engagement, etc).

Who Can Apply?

All undergraduate students in tertiary institutions. 

Participation: Free

There is a certificate collection fee of N5, 000

Program Operation Guide

  1. Any undergraduate student anywhere in Africa can enrol in the FCL Program.
  2. Programs will be delivered onsite and online as the case might be to ensure participants benefit maximally from the Program within their limitations.

Program Completion

At the completion of the program, participant will receive a Certificate of Program Completion, which will be an added  certificate which will help in your future career. 

Application Procedure

Interested students are to complete the online application.


Organized by

Foundation for Leadership & Education Development – FLED, an NGO established in 1995 to build the economic and leadership capacities of youths to enable them participate  in development process.

Certified by

 FLED International Leadership Institute, the professional leadership think tank established in 1999.

For inquiries, contact

The Program Coordinator

FLED Group, KMC Hotel, KMC Street

Karu Site, Abuja – Nigeria

Tel/Whatsapp: +234-708 -015-7176